Entertaining for a crowd, but forgot to thaw the chicken wings? No worries you can make my easy recipe for Instant Pot Chicken Wings from Frozen in about...
Yummy eastern Indian lentil dal meets western hearty ham hock split pea soup. For a Vegetarian dish, use vegetable broth and Liquid Smoke. This is a mild...
Pressure Cooker Turkey with Dijon Gravy! Make with turkey legs or thighs, or bone-in half-breasts. Ready in about an hour. Works well for a family dinner...
Easy and delicious pork tenderloin cooked in your electric pressure cooker! The Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin Teriyaki is going to be a frequent visitor...
This simple Dal is not only quick to make but also filling, and virtually fat-free. If you've been craving Indian food but want something lighter than...
If you love Mexican food, likely Mexican Rice is a staple. Along with beans, corn, tortillas, and guacamole! This Mexican Rice is a standby favorite, with...
Easy weeknight mushroom risotto that's special enough for occasions, too! The Instant Pot makes it fast, and fail-safe. Plus we have a hack that lets you...
Grits muffins in the Instant Pot are a fun twist on traditional egg bites - you can use leftover grits or make them with a fresh batch. They are packed...
An easy Instant Pot brats recipe for the best ever bratwurst recipe simmered in butter and beer, yet made in your pressure cooker! This is both keto, low...
Instant Pot frozen veggies is the easiest, handsfree dinner side or batch prep meal prep side you could ask for. Hands off and zero minute pressure cook...
This comforting and heart-warming White Bean Soup is packed with flavorful Mexican spices for a truly delicious vegan soup recipe that is healthy, easy...
These creamy, buttery, tender Peruvian beans are super simple, healthy and easy to make. Spiced with ground chipotle pepper powder, these pressure cooker...
Nutty in flavor, pigeon peas are a staple in Caribbean, Indian and African cuisine. Learn how to quickly make dried pigeon peas in your Instant Pot, no...
I love simple meals that are full of REAL food for my family. Weekends aren't the only time to enjoy such yummy flavors as the Instant Pot makes quick...
Steak Fajitas Salad is the best recipe if you are in the mood for some Mexican food, but want a low carb dish! With the delicious, classic flavors of fajitas,...
Corn on the cob in the instant pot might sound a little intimidating- but trust me- it's really easy! You will love how juicy and flavorful it ends up...
Instant Pot Honey Garlic Chicken Thighs are an easy weeknight meal that is mostly hands-off, had big bold flavors that all of my kids (and the adults too)...
This version of Instant Pot Salsa Chicken is the most flavorful of all! Super easy and tastes amazing! Once you try this Instant Pot Salsa Chicken recipe,...